Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust Director of Inclusive Learning North Limited, member of Community Union Cole is a former Headteacher of a special school for pupils with profound, severe and complex learning needs. This included over 60 staff and successful funding bids, achieving a £2m capital development project. Cole has also been a local authority Inclusion & Achievement Adviser, developing whole school provision and practice in supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities(SEND). This role included working as a School Improvement Partner to Special Schools, Pupil Referral Units and Primary Schools evaluating provision, outcomes and supporting School Improvement Planning. Cole has over 10 years' experience of Ofsted frameworks and inspection.
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Organisation.
Founder and CEO of the Operam Education Group. Senior Board Director/Officer. Founding Chair of the Association of Professional Service Companies Education Sector (APSCo).
Guardian of pupil attending Pictor School - Poppie Jane Duffy year - 5 pupil
Chair of Finance Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Organisation Currently I have no non-pecuniary interests related to the Trust
Member of the Risk and Audit Committee Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Organisation. I have no non pecuniary interests related to the Trust
Nationality: British
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White British
Formerly Independent Audit Committee member at the Dean Trust in Trafford until 2019. I am retained as the Company Secretary to Sovereign Trust. I provide company secretarial and legal support to a North London-based MAT and a Lincolnshire MAT.
Managing Director, Elderflower Legal. Retained Company Secretary, Primary Care Wirral Limited (GP Federation) since 1 Sept 2022. Associate Member, Chartered Institute of Governance, Diploma in Company Direction, Inst of Directors
Affiliate Member, STEP I am retained as the Sovereign Trust's Company Secretary. As such, it is my responsibility to ensure that the Trust complies with statutory requirements and the terms of the Academy Trust Handbook, as well as supporting the Board with Trust board meetings and governance matters. I am a dual-qualified solicitor and chartered company secretary with over 29 years' experience of working with charities, not for profits and companies in education, health and social care.
Nationality: British
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White British
Since "retirement" from education in 2015 I have worked as a bus/coach driver in North Wales and Greater Manchester Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust. I have no non pecuniary interests related to the Trust
Nationality: British
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White British
I have no financial interest business related involvement with the Trust. __ I am currently National Accounts Manager at B&W Plant Hire Ltd My son attends Manor Academy
Neil Moseley - Co-opted Governor - Chair of The Board
Term of office:
18/01/23 - 17/01/27
Chair of FRA Committee Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust. I am a Governor of another school which has no connection to the Trust. I have no non pecuniary interests related to the Trust
Nationality: British
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White British
........................Member resigned on 01/09/2022........................
My son Thomas Wrench is the Trust maintenance person and I am employed by the Trust. I have no non pecuniary interests in the Trust
Nationality: British
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White British
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Organisation Currently I have no non pecuniary interests related to the Organisation