The-Trust-Governor is a cloud based one stop information and process management system for
Schools, Academies and Multi-Academy Trusts and their Governors.
Schools and Trusts can centrally manage all aspects of their Governor, Board and Trust processes and documents, with controlled user level access to resources.
Designed for touch screens, you can intuitively navigate on an iPad, Android tablet, or Laptop during meetings.
Works on any web enabled device with a browser, plus easy PC access before and after meetings.
During the meeting you can view:
The Meeting Agenda.
Minutes of the previous meetings.
Meeting Documents.
All searchable in .pdf format which stays on the cloud.
Governors can record meeting notes (private).
and link them to documents or agenda items.
Governors can record agreed actions (public).
Notes and actions can be edited / updated at any time with actions feeding in to future meetings.
Meeting Papers and core documents are stored on the cloud in pdf format.
They can be viewed on any device but crucially not altered.
You always have the current version.
Document "audience" setting - who sees what.
Share Policies.
Search by school - committee - keyword or category.
Always available before during and after meetings.
Integrated compliance calendar.
Policies - renewal issues are not a problem.
Policies show red within 60 days of renewal.
Governors can create and edit their own profile.
Recording of transparency information.
Business interests - Code of Conduct - Eligibility.
Keeping Children Safe - Prevent Duty ++
Updated training records.
Governors' skills audit - who is good at what?
Governors' Forum for discussion.
Overarching management information.
View/edit meeting notes in context
Send and record emails to other governors/committees.
Access to the latest policy documents.
Useful web links for sharing with Governors.
Governor self assessment - Ofsted like this bit!
Interactive self assessment review and report.
Store your Ofsted and performance related documents.
Personal data and system administration rights managed securely.
Control who sees what.
Create and distribute meeting information.
Upload minutes or input them in real time.
Control Polls, Links, Forum and Documents.
Send personalised emails to committee groups or individuals.
Create training / business interests / skills audit reports.
Set up objectives based appraisals / reports online.
Embed governor and policy lists in other web sites.
The-Trust-Governor will save you time, paper and money.
It is a unique system, developed by governors for governors.
It is constantly developing as we and our users realise its' potential.
THE TRUST GOVERNOR - user comment
"The Trust Governor is a hugely powerful online tool which ticks all the boxes when it comes to school governance.
The benefits in time and cost saving alone are huge with all our meeting papers and agendas uploaded online for instant access by governors removing the need for endless copying and duplication of paperwork.
We are now holding our resources, reference documents and website links centrally online which ensures that governors get to see the latest documents as they are published without the need for continuous email traffic.
We are managing our training and development on the Trust Governor matched to our skills audit which shows us at a glance where we might have skills gaps.
For our Clerk the onerous task of taking minutes and writing them up for review has become far more efficient with minutes being taken directly onto the template on Trust Governor and available immediately for review by the Chair.
Most importantly governors are finding that they are in touch with what is happening and they are able to chat to each other through the Trust Governor between meetings, leading to more informed debate and sound decision making at each meeting".